If patience truly is a virtue (and it is,) then waiting is truly a challenge. Much of our lives are spent hurrying from one goal or objective to another only to met with delay, denial or derailment. Knowing that gratification will not be immediate or easy can be enough to keep us from trying or giving up well before the goal is reached. Winning at waiting is a skill the great ones have mastered. Don't get discouraged with the process. Keep the goal in mind and reflect on what motivated you to pursue your passions in the first place. We are doers, achievers, go-getters and so winning at waiting can be difficult because we want to actively participate in reaching our goals. A well seasoned steak can be marinated for hours. Wine and other liquors are "aged" for many years in some cases to achieve the perfect flavor. Our own physical, emotional and mental growth takes place of a span of many years. Growth and development take time. Don't rush the process. Develop a "PS," a Patience Strategy! Your "PS" is what you fall back on when waiting becomes unbearable. It includes things that:
- Remind you of why you started
- Affirmations on why patience is important
- Goal review tasks to make sure you are still on the right path
You "PS" should accompany every major goal you set so that you are ready to confront anything that tries to discourage you from following through on making what you are working so hard to achieve become a reality. Want a copy of our FREE "PS" Template? Email MasterPeace Mindset Life Coaching. We can help you stay on track and develop your "PS" Plan!. You can win at waiting! Keep growing!
Enna B
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