
Thursday, July 21, 2016

Brick Wall Moments

Even on the path of progress there are sure to be obstacles. Many times we start off with great enthusiasm, ready to conquer the world. But then we have a brick wall experience that stops us dead in our tracks! It seems like we just can't catch a break. We take 3 steps forward and get knocked 2 steps back. It's enough to make us give up all together and think that we just can't reach our goals.

As you move along the path of purpose there will be peaks and valleys, high points and low points. The important thing to remember is you can still reach your goals. The brick walls don't mean it's the end of the road but it could mean we have to:
  • Be creative
  • Keep the plan but change our methods
  • Take a detour
  • Regroup

Don't turn back. You can stay on track. Delay does not mean your dreams are destroyed. You will find a way to scale the wall, go around it, or tunnel under it. The important thing to remember is that you are not in this by yourself. Here are some things you can do when you come face to face with a brick wall:

  • Pray - Ask God to give you direction and discernment.
  • Be Patient - Sometimes a delay is really protection. Give yourself an opportunity to think through how to approach the obstacle.
  • Review Your Plan - Double check your strategy. Did you miss anything? Your goals don't have to change but your plan may need to be tweaked.
  • Talk it Out - Coaches are great sounding boards! Bring up your brick wall in your next coaching session or if need be reach out in between sessions. Sometimes a listening ear helps us tap into our personal power and find the resolve to weather the storm and stay the course.

You've come a long way. And you will go even further. Stay focused! The brick wall moment will pass and you will persevere. 

Coach Enna B

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