
Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Overcome Your Outcomes

a final product or end result; consequence; issue.

1. to get the better of in a struggle or conflict; conquer; defeat: to overcome the enemy.
2. to prevail over (opposition, a debility, temptations, etc.); surmount: to overcome one's weaknesses.

There will be places and spaces where you must OVERCOME your outcomes.  These are tests of your faith. Keep your trust in God and not in your circumstances.  Its not what happens to us but how we handle it that makes the difference.  He is God on the mountain and God in the valley.  He is God is the morning and still God in the midnight hour.  Stretching strengthens our faith and prepares us for matriculation to the next level of spiritual maturity.  


-Enna B

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Monday, November 21, 2016

Steps to Making Your Dreams Come True

Can you believe the 2016 is almost over? We are knocking on the door of a New year and it's time to finish strong and hit the ground running in 2017. This is a good time of year to reflect and also to generate new ideas. Follow these simple steps to increase your success and satisfaction!

Wednesday, November 2, 2016


Let MasterPeace Mindset Life Coaching 

help you design your success strategy!


There lies before us an open road to our destiny. We are given the ability to only see so far down this road because if we knew everything that we'd encounter we'd have no need to trust God. The truth is we've been assigned a particular path for a reason. Parts of the road are smooth with pleasant scenery and good company. Parts of the road are crooked and rough. Other parts of the journey are lonely and scary. But what the journey does is strengthen our faith. We are never without navigation. The Holy Spirit is our spiritual GPS who leads us on the path of purpose. When we stray from our path He reroutes us back to our destiny.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Mastering the Act of Balance

Life creates a myriad of opportunities, obstacles and possibilities for us to explore and experience. It is our ability to achieve, maintain, and re-establish balance that determines the quality of our lives and relationships. Balance is key to keeping it all together and being able to enjoy it too. I remember a conversation with one of my mentors earlier in the year where I lamented that my plate was full and beginning to overflow and that this was causing me to to feel overwhelmed. He replied, "Enna, the plate may be full but it is YOU who decides what you eat and how much." Those words have remained with me and I have often shared them with clients and friends to give them a different perspective on managing a full life and schedule. 

We operate in many dimensions (mind, body and spirit just to name a few) and we must maintain balance in all of them. So many times we have our daily schedule in check but our health is challenged and we are operating on "E" spiritually. With those 3 very important dimensions out of order we remain out of balance. Our house might me clean but our minds are still cluttered. And so in order to master peace on purpose we must maintain balance in every dimension of our lives. Here are a couple of tips for maintaining balance in every dimension:

Create priorities for every dimension. When we do this we can then realistically see how each priority impacts our ability to maintain balance in every aspect of our lives and make the necessary adjustments.

Self evaluate on a regular basis. What worked last month may need to be tweaked for a better outcome this month. Don't be too rigid. Flexibility allows us to maintain our balance and reach our desired goals.

Balance is what gets us from where we are to where we need to be with our mind, body and spirit in a healthy space. As we walk this tight rope of life there are spots where we can't travel too quickly or we'll lose our balance and not have the benefit of enjoying all that life has to offer.  Pay attention to your balance. Pray about areas that need attention and then act in faith to make effective adjustments.

-Enna B

Monday, September 26, 2016

When Growing Means Going With the Flow

You goals are set. You have a plan. Now it's time to execute. While your plan looks great on paper the reality is that there are outside forces and folks who influence your ability to accomplish what you have set out to do. The world is a much bigger place than our tiny little bubble, As a result, it becomes necessary to execute our plan in the midst of what is going on around us. 

Susan had always dreamed of opening an ice cream shop in her home town. She had the perfect location and the funding secured to purchase it. After years of planning and saving she was about to make her dream of being a business owner in the community she grew up in a reality. She made her offer for the building and then it was time to wait and see what the owners would do. After a few days her realtor called back and advised her that the owners had decided to accept another offer. Susan was heartbroken, she had waited so long for this opportunity and now it was seemingly out of reach. She did have the capital to increase her offer and there were really no other viable locations in the immediate area. She began to question whether or not she would ever see her dreams become a reality. A few weeks went by and each time she passed the location and saw the "SOLD" sign she got a lump in her throat.  On one such occasion as she passed by, her cell phone rang. She didn't recognize the number and started to let the call go to voice mail. With a deep sigh she decided to answer the call. "Hello, this is Susan," she responded. A deep, baritone sounding voice on the other end replied, "Susan this is Mr. Scott. I purchased the building located at 15347 Sunrise St. I understand that you also had an interest in the building and wanted to meet with you." The meeting was scheduled for the following afternoon and Susan could barely contain her excitement. They agreed to meet at the building and Susan arrived a few minutes early. Workers were already milling about taking measurements and cleaning the exterior. She looked longingly at the big picture window which faced the corner. She had dreams of people walking past as she prepared homemade ice cream. Those dreams were gone now. Just then, she could see Mr. Scott walking towards her. He was a thin, tall man whose voice didn't match his physical appearance. He extended his hand and greeted her with a firm handshake.  Mr. Scott didn't waste anytime getting down to business. He explained that his company was a development firm that specialized in rehabbing businesses for mixed use. He was interested in leasing space to her for a micro version of the ice cream shop. In fact, if the concept was successful he'd like to see her open multiple locations in future developments. He'd definitely peaked her interest with his offer. Susan requested a formal proposal from Mr. Scott and some time to review it. The following week she received a FedEx package with the proposed agreement inside. After talking it over with her attorney and negotiating a few terms the deal was done. Susan's dream would come true and had the potential to be even bigger than she herself had imagined! Three years have since passed and Susan has opened 2 additional locations under the partnership with Mr. Scott with plans to open 2 more in the next year.

Sometimes what we think is the end is really just the beginning. It's not always a bad thing to merge our plan with a bigger one. When our hearts and minds remain open then possibilities are always present. In Susan's case success was achieved by going a route she hadn't even considered. Merging her dreams with the dreams of another entity got her the results she desired and open doors to more opportunity. Don't be afraid to explore alternatives. Sometimes chasing our dreams means going with the flow set by someone else. It's okay to keep your options open!

-Enna B

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Why it's Important to Know What YOU Need

What I've learned by trial, error and revelation is that when you sign up for what you don't want then the outcome is what you don't need. Before you make a connection you need to understand your needs and your expectations. 

Ask yourSELF: What do I NEED from this scenario or individual? 

If the situation or the person is unable to meet or exceed those expectations then its time for you to move on. So many times we are disappointed by outcomes because we have not outlined our expectations or held ourselves accountable for honoring our own standards/morals/values. The best person to defend/protect you is Y-O-U. 

Here's what you need to do to maintain your VAL-YOU:

1. Establish and maintain boundaries
2. Evaluate a situation or a person against your established standards/morals/values
3. Communicate your needs and expectations clearly and unapologetically up front
4. Have the courage to disconnect when necessary

-Coach Enna B


Monday, September 19, 2016


Focus your efforts in a real and specific way so that your dreams be one goals and your goals become your reality!

Tuesday, September 13, 2016


No negative self talk. Be exclusively positive about your YES in your thoughts and communication. Many of us have a YES that contradicts our current circumstances. Based on what our circumstances say in the present there is no way a YES can manifest. We don't have enough money, we don't have enough power, we don't have enough influence, we don't have enough energy, we don't have enough support, and the list goes on and on.BUT the great thing about our YES is that it is not based on what we can SEE but rather on what we believe. Faith is the key that unlocks the door! And so regardless of what it looks like, sounds like, feels like, etc.

Our yes is achievable when we dare to believe God beyond what our natural eye can see. Our words and our actions demonstrate our faith. Are your words and your actions consistent with the YES you are looking for? If not, its time to make a shift!

  • Replace "if" with "when." 
  • Exchange "can" for "can't." 
  • Swap "doubt" for "faith." 
  • Switch from "excuses" to "effort."  

The first place we access our YES is in our minds and with our mouths.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Monday, September 5, 2016


It's that time of year again where students from Pre-K to PhD gear up for a new season of learning. As a child, I remember the excitement of the preparation for a new school year. One of the best things about it was that you got lots of new stuff. Everything was brand new, fresh, neat, and organized from the clothes to the school supplies. Everyone looked forward to the first day outfit, sporting a new backpack, and new shoes. It never got old!

As I reflected on these fond memories it dawned on me that what excited me as a youth has value as a life application today.  Here are 4 Back to School jewels we can apply to our everyday lives to increase our val-you:
  1. Develop a fresh perspective. Apply a new outlook as you work toward improving your current situation.
  2. Discard old mindsets that didn't serve you well in the past. Make room for the growth you are expecting.
  3. Organize your thoughts and ideas into manageable tasks. Don't be intimidated by the size of task. You can eat the elephant one bite at a time. Bon a petit!
  4. Pack your bag in advance. What good is having supplies if you can't access them when you need them? Your mental backpack should contain a positive attitude, affirmations, a list of your goals, and what defines what success means for you.

We are getting ready to head into the 4th quarter of 2016. It's a great time to finish strong and get a headstart on next year's success strategies!

-Enna B


Wednesday, August 31, 2016

How to Win the Waiting Game

If patience truly is a virtue (and it is,) then waiting is truly a challenge. Much of our lives are spent hurrying from one goal or objective to another only to met with delay, denial or derailment. Knowing that gratification will not be immediate or easy can be enough to keep us from trying or giving up well before the goal is reached. Winning at waiting is a skill the great ones have mastered. Don't get discouraged with the process. Keep the goal in mind and reflect on what motivated you to pursue your passions in the first place. We are doers, achievers, go-getters and so winning at waiting can be difficult because we want to actively participate in reaching our goals. A well seasoned steak can be marinated for hours. Wine and other liquors are "aged" for many years in some cases to achieve the perfect flavor. Our own physical, emotional and mental growth takes place of a span of many years. Growth and development take time. Don't rush the process. Develop a "PS," a Patience Strategy! Your "PS" is what you fall back on when waiting becomes unbearable. It includes things that:
  • Remind you of why you started
  • Affirmations on why patience is important
  • Goal review tasks to make sure you are still on the right path

You "PS" should accompany every major goal you set so that you are ready to confront anything that tries to discourage you from following through on making what you are working so hard to achieve become a reality. Want a copy of our FREE "PS" Template? Email MasterPeace Mindset Life Coaching. We can help you stay on track and develop your "PS" Plan!. You can win at waiting! Keep growing!

Enna B

Have you joined the Where is MY YES?! - 5 Day Facebook Challenge? You don't want to miss this FREE 5-day journey that will help participants discover the tools that will help them reach their goals and live a life of purpose. Click here to join the challenge!

Monday, August 22, 2016

Have you joined the Where is MY YES?! - 5 Day Challenge Group yet? You don't want to miss this 5 -Day journey of transformation! Click here to join us!

Be Mindful of What's on Your Mind


Be mindful of whats on your mind! Refocus and redirect your thoughts to that which is positively framed. Its true,  we deal with some heavy stuff but lets make sure that our thoughts reflect our faith in God rather than our fear of what we face. BE ENCOURAGED. SPEAK/THINK LIFE in everything that concerns you!

Philippians 4:8-9 (KJV)

8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

9 Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you.


Enna B

Monday, August 15, 2016

The Other Side of Time Management

When you talk about "time management" most people think of a daily schedule or task list carefully planned to get the most of the 24 hours that make up a day. The worldwide web is not short on articles, podcasts, and blog posts that tout the importance of using your time wisely. I'm not here to reinforce the wisdom that exists on the topic. I'm here to offer you a perspective on time management that is talked about less frequently and that is the time management of your thought life. This is a perspective which needs to be heard and shared in order to maximize our effectiveness and our peace of mind. We must be careful where our thoughts take us. Everything we do starts off as a thought in our heads. We "think" we are too fat so we come up with a plan to lose weight. We "think" we like a person so we initiate conversation to explore the possibility of relationship. We "think" we look terrible with gray hair so we religiously dye it another color. What dominates our thoughts can directly or indirectly influence our effectiveness at achieving our goals. 

Many of us have spent a lot of time lamenting over our shortcomings. So much so that when an opportunity arises we may not pursue it because so much of our thought life has reinforced our inadequacies. For those of us determined to not repeat bad habits or mistakes of the past it is critical to overcome thought patterns that leave us feeling inept and incompetent. When we open our minds to embrace our potential the possibilities become endless. Here are some tips to help you manage your thought life:

Be intentional - It may seem silly or awkward at first but hold yourSELF accountable for intentionally thinking about your life and your dreams in a positive light. Perhaps you don't have all the resources in place yet to make things happen but that doesn't mean your thoughts should focus on what you don't have. At this juncture its even more crucial that your thoughts focus on your faith and not what you lack.

Set the Atmosphere - Many times our thoughts are triggered by what goes on in our environments. Consider strategically placing things in your environment that trigger positive thoughts and emotions. These are things that remind us of our purpose, motivate us to keep trying, and provide a sense of peace in the midst of our chaotic circumstances.  Maybe its a picture of your kids on your desk at work to remind you of why you do what you do. Perhaps its a serene painting of an ocean view that greets you in the foyer of your home when you arrive home from a long day of work. Could be the sunflowers that grow in the flowerbed just outside your kitchen window which catch your eye as you head for the garage in the morning. That post-it note on the mirror in your bathroom that reminds you, "YES YOU CAN!" The internet radio station your cell phone is set to for your drive into work to calm your spirit and get you focused. There is a lot you can do to set the tone for your thoughts and actions!

Schedule Strategic Thinking Times - Dedicate some time each day to think about things that increase your val-you, remind you of your goals, and motivate you stay focused. This exercise doesn't have to tie you up for hours either. Give yourself 5-10 minutes in the morning and the same amount of time before bed. Start and end the day with intentional thoughts!

Managing your thoughts is just as important as managing your tasks. You'll find that making it a habit to do so will increase your quality of life and goes a long way towards mastering peace on purpose.

-Enna B

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Click here to join the "Where is MY YES?! - 5 Day Challenge" Facebook Group!

Thursday, August 11, 2016


Acceptance is not necessarily agreement although the two are easily confused. A person can choose to accept something because wisdom says its not worth the effort or energy to continue to dispute or defend a path or a person which does not add to one's own value. This is where the ability to discern what battles to choose becomes critical. Choose to focus your energies on YOUR God given purpose rather than to pursue what will distract you from your assignment. Every battle does not require you to report for duty.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016


MasterPeace Mindset Life Coaching presents the:

Where is My YES - 5 Day Challenge! Joins if you are ready to:
*Get out of your own way
*Become intentional & focused
*Stop procrastinating
*Benefit from the shared strengths of like minded people
*Break through self imposed barriers that hinder progress 

Join my FREE 5-day challenge group today!

Monday, August 8, 2016

Time to Relocate: Moving from Frustrated to Fruitful

Time to Relocate: 7 Steps to Moving from Frustrated to Fruitful

Often times we find ourselves in scenarios that cause high levels of frustration and stress. We aren’t where we think we should be. We’ve gotten caught up in habits, emotions, or circles that drain rather than fulfill and no longer add to our val-you. When this occurs it’s time to relocate. Now this relocation could be physical, mental, or emotional but unless and until it is accomplished frustration will wreak havoc in our lives. Here are 7 steps to help you move from frustrated to fruitful:

1.       A Made Up Mind

Everything happens in your head FIRST. So many times we straddle the fence or are indecisive about what move to make or which road to take. Until this is resolved in our heads we cannot move forward intentionally or intelligently. A made up mind is the first step in creating a plan to move from frustration to fruitfulness. Once the mind is made up, then purposeful, strategic actions can be mapped out and executed.

2.       Identify Your Frustration Triggers
Come clean with yourself. Complete transparency about what really bothers you and creates negative emotions and frustrations is required in order to make sustainable progress. Unless you are 100% honest with yourself then the relocation won’t produce fruitful results.

3.       Create A Plan
In order to make progress you must have plan, a road map,  if you will of how to get from where you are to where you want to be.  This plan must take into consideration:
a.       The pros and cons of the decision
b.      The risks and rewards of executing the plan
c.       Define what equates to a successful outcome
d.      Identify  and acquire resources needed

4.       Commit & Execute

Now that you’ve gotten through steps 1-3 it’s time implement your plan. Commit to consistent follow through on the steps of the plan. Don’t take short cuts. Do what needs to be done and give it all your best effort

5.        Check Your Pulse

There is absolutely nothing wrong with taking a moment to reflect on your progress and make sure that you are moving towards your desired outcome. You don’t want to relocate from one frustration to another! Periodically do a self check to make sure that you are still headed in a fruitful direction. Sometimes a plan needs to be tweaked or adjusted. Allow for this to occur so you can still reach your desired goals. Don’t be so rigid that you don’t reach fruitful.

6.       Make Sure the Fruit is Ripe

Guard against claiming the victory too soon. Cross all your T’s and dot all your I’s before you claim victory. Just because there is fruit doesn’t mean that it’s ripe and ready to enjoy. Be patient with yourself and the process. Harvest what you can enjoy and be nourished by and give any fruit not ready more time to ripen.

7.       Evaluate Your Outcomes

In Step 3 you identified what would define a successful outcome for your situation. Has that occurred? Hold yourself accountable for reaching the outcome you established as being successful. The level of satisfaction you experience as a result of following these steps makes your fruit much sweeter.

Ready to relocate? Need help with the steps mentioned in this article? MasterPeace Mindset Life Coaching is here to provide accountability and support. Contact us at 586.834.8798!

-Enna B


Click on the link below to check  out my latest podcast!

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

How to Work When Nothing is Working

How many times have we set goals, come up with a plan to accomplish them, only to implement the plan and not see the results we expected? How many times have identified a level we want to reach, prepared for the journey, only to have one or more obstacles delay, distract, or discourage us? Setbacks are the enemy of progress. We’ve dreamed of and worked for that thing we want to achieve only to be stopped dead in our tracks by challenges or adversity. How do you work when nothing is working? How do you move forward when there are no open doors or open minds to help you advance? How we answer these questions will determine whether or not we succeed or stay stuck. Here are 6 steps to take when nothing is working:

  1. Breathe – No seriously, breathe. Take some deep, cleansing breaths to calm and focus yourself.
  2. Remember – Go back over your goals. Recall their importance and your desired outcomes.
  3. Reflect – What has gone on over the last few days/weeks? How has that impacted you mentally, emotionally, physically?
  4. Release – Allow yourself a few moments to release any frustration, emotion, anger that has been building up. I suggest writing out the things that have been burdening you and the emotions you have been experiencing as a result. The act of physically purging things from our conscious can be very therapeutic. Once you’ve done this pray that God would release you from these feelings and any negative thoughts or actions connected to them. When you are done tear up the paper and throw it away.
  5. Re-Focus – Take a look at those goals again and your plan achieve them. Is it time to adjust or stay the course? You may not need to do anything more than just persevere! Don’t throw your goals out re-focus your efforts!
  6. Keep Going – You may have to slow down, change direction, or get creative but each day take a step in the direction of your dreams. Remember, its not the size of the step that counts its having the courage to take the step that matters. Baby steps count and so do leaps of faith.

      The bottom line is that you don’t have to give up on your dreams! With patience and faith you can and will move forward. There is nothing wrong with taking a pause for the cause to re-center yourself and make moves strategically rather than stressfully. You are not in denial focused you are destiny driven! Keep working!


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Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Make an Appointment...With YourSELF!

Make it a habit to block out time in your life to focus on you! Self care is an opportunity to refuel and refresh and that increases your val-you! You've got BIG dreams and a BRIGHT future planned. Don't neglect your personal needs. Make your well being a priority. So often we plan to "sit down," "rest," "take it easy," "get away," etc and somehow it doesn't happen. I recommend blocking out time in your life the same way you would for a doctor's appointment. Schedule time with yourself weekly and keep the appointment! 

What you do is up to you but the activity must:
1. Focus on you rather than others
2. Involve relaxation, rest, reflection, or wellness
3. Last 30 minutes or more

Honor yourSELF by setting aside time to cultivate your mind, body, and spirit. The return on your investment will fuel the pursuit of your hopes and dreams. 

-Enna B

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Thursday, July 21, 2016

Brick Wall Moments

Even on the path of progress there are sure to be obstacles. Many times we start off with great enthusiasm, ready to conquer the world. But then we have a brick wall experience that stops us dead in our tracks! It seems like we just can't catch a break. We take 3 steps forward and get knocked 2 steps back. It's enough to make us give up all together and think that we just can't reach our goals.

As you move along the path of purpose there will be peaks and valleys, high points and low points. The important thing to remember is you can still reach your goals. The brick walls don't mean it's the end of the road but it could mean we have to:
  • Be creative
  • Keep the plan but change our methods
  • Take a detour
  • Regroup

Don't turn back. You can stay on track. Delay does not mean your dreams are destroyed. You will find a way to scale the wall, go around it, or tunnel under it. The important thing to remember is that you are not in this by yourself. Here are some things you can do when you come face to face with a brick wall:

  • Pray - Ask God to give you direction and discernment.
  • Be Patient - Sometimes a delay is really protection. Give yourself an opportunity to think through how to approach the obstacle.
  • Review Your Plan - Double check your strategy. Did you miss anything? Your goals don't have to change but your plan may need to be tweaked.
  • Talk it Out - Coaches are great sounding boards! Bring up your brick wall in your next coaching session or if need be reach out in between sessions. Sometimes a listening ear helps us tap into our personal power and find the resolve to weather the storm and stay the course.

You've come a long way. And you will go even further. Stay focused! The brick wall moment will pass and you will persevere. 

Coach Enna B

Wednesday, July 20, 2016


You know it's time to make reaching your goals a priority but finding an unbiased accountability partner who can help you succeed is challenge. Are you:
  • Ready for a reset or a fresh start?
  • Wondering if life coaching is for you? 
  • Want to get a feel for my coaching style? 
  • Curious as to how you can benefit from being coached? 

How about a TEST DRIVE? You can schedule a FREE 30-minute, no obligation coaching session with me. Let's connect! You have nothing to lose! During your complimentary coaching session we'll delve into:
CLICK HERE to schedule your FREE 30-minute coaching session! You can also call 586.834.8798 to make an appointment. You have absolutely nothing to lose by taking advantage of this free 30-minute coaching session. The time is NOW to move forward!

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

My Super Power Is: ENTHUSIASM

Check out my podcast and learn why ENTHUSIASM is an essential tool for those determined to make progress!

Monday, July 18, 2016

The Journey Begins....

There is a road assigned to all of us. A path, if you will, that leads us to our destiny. This path, has peaks and valleys, rest stops and road blocks, and if we do it right, all of these add up to a life well lived. Is it perfect? Of course not! But, it can be fulfilling, inspiring, impactful, and meaningful along the way. It's true what they say: "There's no traffic along the extra mile." Unfortunately for us though, this is where most of our most important work is done. In those quiet, sometimes lonely places where its just you, no one else. This is one of the reasons why many don't choose the extra mile because we'd rather be with a crowd then out ahead of it. We'd rather blend in than break through. But there comes a time in everyone's life when we have to move past mediocre in order to get to meaningful. We have to to be willing not only to "look" at the "man in the mirror" but to all "deal with" the man in the mirror. We leave a lot of stuff unsaid to ourselves! One of my primary goals as a life coach is to challenge and support people in having meaningful dialog with themselves that results in the refocusing of effort, energy, and enthusiasm on the tasks, priorities, and purpose that will move them forward on the things that matter to them. You do have "the power." It's inside of you. It's waiting to be tapped into.

As we begin a dialog on the extra mile the first thing we have to do is find it! We have to make sure that the path is the one assigned to US and not someone else's. Many times we find ourselves living vicariously through others, procrastinating, or making sacrifices to help others realize their goals while our own desires are aborted, neglected and unfilled. We guilt ourselves into being helpful or making sacrifices for others while neglecting our own self care. Running on "E" doesn't help us maximize our own potential or fully support others. From this moment forward I want you to re-establish your relationship with yourSELF. Allow this courtship to begin in a patient and loving way. Don't just focus on what makes you flawless spend some time on your faults as well. We are only as strong as our weakest link and many of us have been faking strong for far too long. Lets get into some spiritual and emotional chemotherapy and do the work that results in:
  • Finding Peace
  • Holding Ourselves Accountable
  • Reaching our Goals
  • Sustaining our Progress
  • Exceeding our own Expectations
MasterPeace Mindset Life Coaching is here to assist and support you in this worthwhile endeavor. We are your partner in progress and have a variety of platforms to support your growth and development. Let's get started! It's time to tap into your treasure and lets start with the map that gets you the right road!

Enna A. Bachelor is a dynamic Life Coach with an ability to bring out the best in others based on the goals they set for themselves. Her approach, creativity, and relentless belief that individuals have what it takes to reach their goals helps to to be an effective advocate and partner for those who are ready to take on the extra mile! Why a life coach? That's a great question! Many times an unbiased 3rd party with the ability to help us see ourselves from a different vantage point is the jump start we need to move forward. It's an effective tool for maximizing potential in individuals or groups! 

Ready to start the dialog? Contact us at 586.834.8798. Your first consultation is FREE! 

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